Lendor Vendors

In the fall of 2023, I took ICS 314, Software Engineering I. The majority of the semester was spent building up the fundamental skills necessary to build a website using Meteor, a full-stack (provides both front-end and back-end) web application development framework that implements React for the user interface and MongoDB for the database of the application. The last month of the semester was the duration of our final project, which was to build a full Meteor application from scratch. Lendor Vendors is the site we developed for this final project.

The Lendor Vendors team consisted of four people: Jiawen Chen, Marcus Prudencio, Kayla Yanos, and I. While brainstorming ideas for our final project, we realized that there are often times where a college student will need a specific item for a specific assignment, project, or activity. For example, the iClicker is a learning tool some courses at UH Manoa require. It is a little pricey, and often students use their iClicker for no more than a semester, as classes that require iClickers are pretty rare. However, if students could borrow iClickers from other students who are no longer using theirs, this would reduce wasted learning materials and help students save money. So, we set the goal for this project to solve this problem, and came up with Lendor Vendors.

Lendor Vendors is a site where users can browse items that other users are willing to loan or donate. Users can request an item they find, or post items that they no longer use so that someone else can make use of it.

See the official Lendor Vendors documentation here.