

10 May 2024

const ICS414 = ICS314 + 1; One thing that students find lacking in the university experience is the official ability to get real-world experience without reaching out for extra-curricular opportunities such as internships, research opportunities, etc. Of course it is...

Software Engineering Javascript Meteor

How to be resourceful in software engineering

14 Dec 2023

Resourcefulness in Software Engineering I learned a lot from ICS 314, Software Engineering I, but by far my biggest takeaway is that one of the most crucial skills you can have as a software engineer is the ability to be...

Software Engineering Javascript Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Design Patterns User Interface Frameworks

Applying Design Patterns

28 Nov 2023

Defining design patterns The whole reason we write code in the first place is to make our lives as human beings easier. We gain immense productivity from automating non-trivial tasks that humans cannot complete consistently and timely through technology. Through...

Software Engineering Javascript Design Patterns

Artificial Intelligence, not Code

20 Nov 2023

Introduction In regards to software engineering, which is an ever-growing, expanding, and evolving field, software engineers have to constantly learn new tools, techniques, frameworks, applications, etc. to keep up with the industry. What seems like every day, some brand new...

Software Engineering Javascript Artificial Intelligence


04 Oct 2023

What separates us humans from other animals? Is it intelligence? Perhaps. But there are a few contenders from the animal kingdom that match and sometimes exceed our own. Is it the structure of our body? Well, there are many creatures...

Software Engineering HTML & CSS UI Frameworks

Creating Clean, Clear, Comprehensible Code

20 Sep 2023

A few days ago, a friend of mine who was an exchange student from the mainland came to for help on one of his coding assignments for an intermediate level Java course. He was by no means a novice when...

Software Engineering Coding Standards

The intricacies of internet literacy

05 Sep 2023

The concept of internet literacy refers to one’s ability to utilize the internet effectively in order to gain information or fulfil one’s objectives. The internet is a vast place with an over-abundance of information, but in order to use it...

Stack Overflow Internet Literacy Questions


31 Aug 2023

I have had many hobbies. I have tried to make so many of them my “thing” for so long. I learned to use various software such as Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects to create animations made of many many...

Software Engineering Learning

How Javascript opened my eyes

29 Aug 2023

The first programming language I learned was Java. Soon after, I picked up C and a little bit of C++. Due to this, my impressions of programming and coding in general was that it was a very primitive activity. And...

Software Engineering Javascript